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Sexual Harassment Training for Bucksport, Maine

sexual harassment training for Bucksport, MaineSexual harassment training is vital for most businesses and organizations because when workplace harassment occurs, the costs of a hostile work environment — to the employees and the business — are enormous. At Southbridge, MA-based Melody Beach Consulting Group we’ve made comprehensive, accessible sexual harassment training a central element of our training program, with the aim of improving awareness of inappropriate behavior, improving communication, and encouraging a workplace that is respectful, productive, and harassment-free. Our training exercises help create a more clear understanding of what is unacceptable in the workplace.

Our program explains what constitutes sexual harassment, which includes:

  • The use of explicit or implicit sexual overtones
  • Unwelcome and inappropriate advances
  • The promise of rewards in return for sexual favors
  • Physical actions such as sexual abuse or assault

At Melody Beach Consulting, our Bucksport, Maine sexual harassment training program includes discussions with employees about the different kinds of behavior that could be simply considered inappropriate or unwanted and which could constitute actionable sexual harassment. In fact, many of our clients believe our program is one of the most comprehensive for small- and medium-sized businesses in the area.

In addition to employee training, we offer sexual harassment training for Bucksport, Maine organizations that focuses on information for upper level staff members, supervisors, and HR professionals who want to learn more about sexual harassment law prior to conducting their own workplace sexual harassment training.

Bucksport, Maine sexual harassment training should be a key component of your human resources strategy because an employer is liable for the sexual harassment of employees by managers and supervisors, regardless of whether the employer knows of the conduct. As an employer, you may also be liable for sexual harassment committed by individuals without actual or apparent supervisory authority, such as co-workers, as well as for the harassment of your employees by non-employees, such as customers, patients, clients, independent contractors or other acquaintances. In short, sexual harassment training can be an effective tool for helping reduce risk.

To learn more about our sexual harassment training for Bucksport, Maine, contact the HR specialists here at Melody Beach Consulting Group today.


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Melody L. Beach Consulting Group, Human Resources, Southbridge, MA
View Areas Where We Offer Sexual Harassment Training